
At Vape Connoisseurs, we are committed to maintaining high standards of accuracy, fairness, and integrity in our content. We take all complaints about our editorial content seriously and strive to address any issues promptly and effectively. This Editorial Complaints Policy outlines how to raise a complaint and the process we follow to resolve it.

Making a Complaint

If you have a concern or complaint about the content published on our website, please follow these steps to submit your complaint:

Submit Your Complaint

Email your complaint to [email protected]. Ensure that you provide clear details about the issue, including the specific article or content in question and a description of your concern.

Include Relevant Information

To help us address your complaint efficiently, please include your name, contact information, and any supporting evidence or documentation related to your complaint.

Complaint Review Process

Upon receiving your complaint, we will follow these steps to review and address the issue:


We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within five business days.


Our editorial team will review your complaint thoroughly. This process may involve assessing the content in question, consulting relevant staff, and gathering any additional information needed.


We aim to provide a detailed response to your complaint within 15 business days. Our response will address the issues raised and outline any actions taken or decisions made.

Actions We May Take

Depending on the nature and validity of the complaint, we may take the following actions:


If the complaint identifies an error or inaccuracy, we may issue a correction or update the content to reflect accurate information.


In cases where content is found to be in violation of our editorial standards or policies, we may remove or retract the content.

Review of Policies

We may review and amend our editorial policies and practices to prevent similar issues in the future.


If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you may appeal the decision by:

Submitting an Appeal

Email your appeal to [email protected], detailing the reasons for your dissatisfaction with our initial response.

Review of Appeal

We will review your appeal and provide a final response within 15 business days of receiving it.

Contact Us

For any questions or further information about our Editorial Complaints Policy, please contact us at [email protected]. We are dedicated to resolving complaints fairly and maintaining the trust of our readers.